Facts About The Project

  • Dock facilities – Cordova’s city docks are presently used for multiples purposes. A single purpose facility eliminates issues with proximity to equipment, and traffic from others users

  • With the permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NVE can move forward with this important project, and protect the region our ancestors have inhabited for thousands of years

  • Shepard Point allows for large deep draft vessels to load supplies

  • A recent study shows that responding from the Shepard Point location can save 19 more miles of coastline than other places in the Inlet

  • The location allows instant response to oil spills – there is no need to wait for tides to be able to deploy

  • Allows road access to an all weather major airport

  • Provides large spill response vessels to dock during drills

  • Empowers the Tribe to exercise self-determination to protect traditional lands and lifestyle

  • Approximately 20 identified sensitive areas in eastern PWS are closer to Shepard Point than the oil spill response equipment now housed at Alyeska’s Valdez and Cordova spill response center

  • Access to a deep water port, and all weather road and airport provide a significant value to emergency response in PWS that will allow spill response activities to be undertaken in an organized fashion.

Facility Specifics

  • The Shepard Point Facility will have facilities for large and small boats and helicopters

  • The Shepard Point Facility will receive power and communication services from Cordova, but will be self-sufficient, if required, with stand-by power and communications capabilities

  • Geographic location and all-weather airport at Cordova connected by road to the deep-water port at Shepard Point create an ideal Emergency Response Facility (ERF) location.

  • This facility will enhance the existing Emergency Response Center (ERC) in Valdez and enhance oil spill response efforts in outer Prince William Sound.


Shore-Side Support Facilities May Include

  • Heated warehouse space

  • Covered storage for booms, absorbent pads, and other response equipment

  • Small repair shop, a wash-down slab with associated oil/water separation equipment, stand-by generator facility.

  • Communication facility, potable water and waste water treatment facilities.

  • Oily waste storage tanks, gasoline and diesel fuel tanks with both on-shore